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In the year 1619, Sir Walter Raleigh, a criminal sentenced to death by the King of England at the Tower of London. Naturally, as a criminal who is wrongly charged, you wish to clear your name by performing heroic feat of travelling to Mars and trying to solve the mystery of the lost Roanoke Colony. There, he finds a world ravaged by war between the Red Coats and tentacled aliens controlled by an insidious Spanish Conquistador. The story takes place very quickly as Raleigh discovers the planet secrets and what the Spanish up to on Mars.

Jamestown: Legend of the Lost Colony is a neo-classical vertically scrolling shooter developed and released by Final Form Games in 2011 for Windows, Linux, Mac and Playstation 4. The game features a steampunk-like style and art design which is heavily inspired by Progear, a 2001 arcade shooter developed by CAVE. As a fictional shooter, Jamestown’s alternate history reference to Roanoke Colony and includes associated figures like Walter Raleigh, Virginia Dare, John Smith, and Joachim Gans as characters. The game was updated on November 10, 2011 with additional DLC, called the "Gunpowder, Treason, and Plot" DLC, which provided three additional ship types, and made the soundtrack available for download on the Steam service.

In Jamestown player guide their tiny ship through different chapters while shooting and trying to avoid enemy gunfire. Player using two different types of weapon; standard and alternative fire. Each of these types of attacks varies between the four ships player can choose. Each chapter features five different difficulty levels, and some of the later chapters can only be unlocked after defeating earlier chapters on higher settings. The goal of the game is to get as many points as possible. When enemies are destroyed, they drop gold called Ducats that can be collected for unlock new spaceships, challenge levels, difficulty settings, Gauntlet mode and a comical version of the story called Farce. While the game is lacking online multiplayer, up to four player can jump in at once for local co-op.

The vaunt system is the key to getting a good high score in the game. It also provides some tactical options and a chance of survival in a spray of bullets. As player defeat enemies, player collect gold trinkets from their exploded wreckage which fill up a vaunt meter. Once it’s filled up, further gold gains do not increase the meter beyond the max. When vaunt mode is activated, player gain a temporary large shield that turns player momentarily invicible. Vault mode also raises the power of weaponry and also doubles score for each defeated enemy. Vault Mode can be prolonged and increased by collecting more gold. However, player can prematurely end vaunt mode by pressing the vaunt button again, which creates a very small shield, and greatly reduces the chain bonus.