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Long ago we settled down on this planet, the three of us. We each formed our own country, as we always do, and we always named them after ourselves. The minerals of this particular planet had a different structure than what we were used to. It was more powerful and had an extra shine to them, we called them Pearls. Our offspring all had this shimmering with a slightly different hue resembling the natural form of each of us. We'd never been so complete or happy before. But then, one day one of us attacked the others.

Broken Pearl is a vertically scrolling shooter developed by Wide Pixel Games. It was originally released for Xbox 360 and Ouya, and ported later to Microsoft Windows as freeware though the player can make a donation to the developer. The game is notable for using the ability to rotate the game’s display and in essence changing the game from a vertical scrolling shooter to a horizontal one.

The player controls something resembling a space ship and must destroy air and landbased creatures using guns and a limited supply of smart bombs which damage or destroy all enemies on-screen when used. There are three different space ship in the game; Kenshi Azure, Kenshi Carmine and Kenshi Viridis. Unfortunately, each of them has no individual storyline and only distinguished from the shot type. Defeated enemies sometimes drop power ups, score multiplier and bomb. Also, destroying certain cages in the stage, frees the imprisoned creatures known as Aurums. These creatures will aid player until get shot down.

The game is based on the player trying complete a mission in each stage. Before each stage player get to select one of eight different missions with certain awards if completed. At the upper right corner a mission status is shown with three color indicator; red, yellow and green. Red means mission has failed and no bonus at the end of current stage. Yellow means mission has not yet been completed, but there is still a chance. Green means the objective has been fulfilled and the extra bonus will be given at the end of current stage. However, even the player failed, they still able continue to the next stage as long as they still have remaining lives. No continues are given when all lives are lost.

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